Thursday, February 2, 2017

Instructions: Use the internet to investigate the following questions and items. 

1.- Find a graphic that shows the parts of a computer and draw it.

2.- Which three parts of the computer receive input?

3.- Which three parts of the computer give output?

4.- What does the computer hard disk do?

5.- What is an operating system?

6.- Name at least three different operating systems

7.- What does DOS stand for?

8.- What kind of file has a name that ends with .gif?

9.- What is a .jpg file?

10.- What is a .png file?

11.- What does HTML stand for?

12.- What do we use HTML for?

13.- List ten basic HTML tags and describe what they do.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Adding links, text and images

  1. Click on the image to enlarge.
  2. Add links to your sections
  3. Add images
  4. Add color and type face to your text.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

1.- Use your notepad to create the following html document.
This webpage has a table that can be used as a directory.

2.- You can choose colors using the following website.

Thursday, September 15, 2016