Thursday, October 22, 2015

Spanish 8th grade
Compara obras literarias

- En la mañana del día de Navidad (Pearl s. Buck) - La mañana de San Juan (Manuel Gutierrez Nájera)

Instructions: Create a google document titled: “En la mañana del día de Navidad”  Work on the following definitions. Illustrate your definitions with images that help you understand the concept. Assignment will be due on Friday, October 23.

  1. What are Inferences?
  2. Define Point of view. (Punto de vista.)
  3. Define First person point of view. (Punto de vista de primera persona.)
  4. Define Third person point of view. (Punto de vista tercera persona.)
  5. Omniscient third person point of view. (Punto de vista Omnisciente.)
  6. Limited third person Point of view. (Punto de vista limitado.)
  1. Omniscient (Ominsciente)
  2. Omnipotent (Omnipotente)
  3. Limited (Limitado)
  4. Subjective (Subjetivo)
  5. Objective (Objetivo)

Reading / Comprehension skills
RC-8 (D) Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding.

(6)(C) Analyze different forms of point of view, including limited versus omniscient, subjective, versus objective.

(2)(C) Complete analogies that describe a function or its description. (vocabulary: Practice)

Oral and written Conventions
(19)(C) Use consistent tenses. (Conventions: simple tenses of Verbs)

(25)(A) Draw conclusions and summarize findings in a systematic way. (Research and Technology: Summary of an Article. )

(25)(D) Follow accepted formats for integrating quotations into written text to maintain a flow of ideas. (Research and Technology: Summary of an Article.)