Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Adding links, text and images

  1. Click on the image to enlarge.
  2. Add links to your sections
  3. Add images
  4. Add color and type face to your text.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

1.- Use your notepad to create the following html document.
This webpage has a table that can be used as a directory.

2.- You can choose colors using the following website.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Definition and image.

  1. Computer Input/Output 
  2. Operating System or OS 
  3. Directory File Structure 
  4. Shareware and freeware software 
  5. Digital divide 
  6. Ms office macros 
  7. Probeware 
  8. Antivirus software
  9. Compression and extraction tools 
  10. Database 
  11. Groupware software 
  12. Search engines

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Create your own word clouds

Word cloud generators are online websites that allow you to use text to generate visually stunning word cloud compositions. Just try it!
Go to:

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Computer Basics

1.- Create your email account a
2.- Once you have a working e-mail account learn how to change your profile picture in gmail.
3.- Go to google and type in "google themes" the serch will take you to the google store were you will be able to chose a theme for your google. Choose a theme and apply it to your profile.
4.- locate your google apps (upper right corner icon) and arrange them in a way that it works for you. some apps to have accesible are: Google docs, blogger, gmail, calendar.

5.- Open the app called "Docs" it is very similiar to Microsoft word. Learn how to use it, explore the menu and other options.

6.- Create a document in docs titled "Basic parts of a computer"
7.- Find an image that lists and shows the basic parts of a computer and include it in your document.

8.- Answer the following question:
What is a computer?

9.- Find information on the following computer parts:
computer case
power cord

Monday, April 11, 2016

Scratch projects 
Basic Programming
Animated Cat
Press Space after the cat is done dancing to make him go back to the dance floor.
Grand X
Space Shooter

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

US History - The Thirteen Colonies

Use Google Docs for the following:

1.- Identify reasons for European exploration and colonization of North America.
(why did Europeans had to explore and colonize North America?)
Provide a numbered list of reasons and include a gallery of images.

2.- Why did the 13 English colonies were established?
These reasons could be political, economical, religious and social.

3.- What is the colonial period?

4.- Who were the Paleo-Indians?

5.- What is the Mayflower compact?

6.- Find information and facts about Jamestown. Create a list.

7.- Where did Pilgrims and Puritans settled?

8.- Where did the Quakers settled?

9.- Compare and contrast Puritans, Pilgrims and Quakers. 
How are they alike? 
How are they different? 
You can create a chart and use illustrations.

10.- What do we know about the "Bread colonies"?

Ice age

Thirteen Colonies Infographic
Use the information about the thirteen colonies to create an infographic.

What is an infographic anyway?
check this link to learn and get some inspiration for your infographic:

You can use one or some of these services to create yours:
You can create your infographic here.
Generate word clouds that you can then incorporate into your info graphic.
Create amazing and great looking visualizations.
a great tool for creating diagrams and flow charts.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Computer Class: 
Try these online resources.
BeepBox is an online tool for sketching and sharing chiptune melodies.
Tools for creating voxel structures.

Puzzle Maker
Online Minecraft circle and elipse generator
Use this tool to make spheres for Minecraft and the like.
FREE HTML5 Modeller for Minecraft. Generate Spheres, Ellipsoids, Torus
 and more in your web browser.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Orson Scott Card

Crea un nuevo documento en Google Docs y escribe como título "Orson Scott Card" investiga las siguientes preguntas. No olvides ilustrar tus respuestas con imagenes.

  1. ¿Quién es Orson Scott Card? Incluye detalles sobre su vida.
  2. ¿Qué género literario es en el que más es conocido es este autor?
  3. Haz una lista de sus novelas más famosas.
  4. ¿Qué es "Ender's Game"? Como se traduciría ese título al español?
  5. ¿De que trata Ender's Game? encuentra un resumen.
  6. Qué otros productos se han creado de Ender's Game? Incluye una lista e imágenes.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Edgar Allan Poe
La Verdad sobre el caso del señor Valdemar.
Por Edgar Allan Poe

Versión en español (pdf):
La Verdad sobre el caso del señor Valdemar.

English version
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar 
by Edgar Allan Poe

Read the first page of the Spanish and English versions.
work on the following vocabulary:

Find the correct word in English and its definition.
Illustrate the definition by adding a picture that best describes it.

  1. Espurio (a)
  2. Tergiversaciones.
  3. Incredulidad.
  4. Hechos.
  5. Sucintamente.
  6. Hipnotismo.
  7. Omisión.
  8. Susceptibilidad.
  9. Mesmerismo.
  10. Articulo mortis.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Google Slides / Edgar Allan Poe

Creating a document on Google Slides

Google slides is a service similar to powerpoint. Your next project will be a product similar to a powerpoint slide show. Become acquainted with Google slides by opening it and learning how it works.

Using Google slides create a presentation about Edgar Allan Poe.

Include information and images in your Google slides presentation.
  1. Who was Edgar Allan Poe?
  2. Where was Edgar Allan Poe born?
  3. When and where did he died?
  4. What is Edgar Allan Poe best known for?
  5. What was Edgar Allan Poe's writing style?
  6. What kind of poetry did Edgar Allan Poe write?
  7. Why is Edgar Allan Poe famous?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Go to:

2. Create an account using you google account.
3. After that you will be able to save your creations in your personal online gallery.
4. Begin creating an object or character using Piskel. 
5. Try the different tools and see what they do.

How to Use the Free Program Piskel to Make Pixel Art and Animation: Basic Tutorial by PXLFLX

How Pixel Art is changing in modern games! - Discover Indie!


Piskel: free online sprite editor. A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art. Create pixel art, game sprites and animated GIFs. Free and open-source.

A computer graphic that may be moved on-screen and otherwise manipulated as a single entity. Every image is a Sprite.


Mr. Morales' Piskel creations:

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Langston Hughes

On your Google Docs account:

  1. Who was Langston Hughes?
  2. Find biographical information about this author.
  3. Important events in his life.
  4. Famous works.
  5. Find information about Langston Hughes short story "Thank you ma'am"
  6. what is the story about?
  7. Illustrate your answers with images.
  8. Include a list of links to the websites where you found the information.

Social Activist

Links to the English and Spanish versions of the story:

Click Here to read "Thank you Ma'am" by Langston Hughes.

Click aqui para leer "Gracias, señora" de Langston Hughes.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Step 2:
Create a table with two cells. One contains an image. The other contains your information:

<hr>  = Creates a line across the webpage.
<img src= "name of image. extension"> = Inserts an image on your webpage.
<font size="2" color="black" face="verdana"> = Used to change font type on your webpage. It closes with the </font > tag.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

English and Spanish computer keyboards

1.- On your google docs account create  document with the following topic:

2.- Objective: research the differences between computer keyboards for English language and Spanish language.

3.- How are they different?

4.- How are they similar?

5.- What is the Dvorak Keyboard?


  • Images
  • link to videos
  • Link to internet resources.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

HTML webpage with menu

HTML webpage with menu
  1. Write this code.
  2. Create a folder titled "my webpage2"
  3. Save your file as "index.html" on your newly created folder.
  4. Remember to backup your work on goggle drive.

Your webpage will look like this.