Monday, January 11, 2016

Step 2:
Create a table with two cells. One contains an image. The other contains your information:

<hr>  = Creates a line across the webpage.
<img src= "name of image. extension"> = Inserts an image on your webpage.
<font size="2" color="black" face="verdana"> = Used to change font type on your webpage. It closes with the </font > tag.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

English and Spanish computer keyboards

1.- On your google docs account create  document with the following topic:

2.- Objective: research the differences between computer keyboards for English language and Spanish language.

3.- How are they different?

4.- How are they similar?

5.- What is the Dvorak Keyboard?


  • Images
  • link to videos
  • Link to internet resources.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

HTML webpage with menu

HTML webpage with menu
  1. Write this code.
  2. Create a folder titled "my webpage2"
  3. Save your file as "index.html" on your newly created folder.
  4. Remember to backup your work on goggle drive.

Your webpage will look like this.