Friday, August 26, 2016

Definition and image.

  1. Computer Input/Output 
  2. Operating System or OS 
  3. Directory File Structure 
  4. Shareware and freeware software 
  5. Digital divide 
  6. Ms office macros 
  7. Probeware 
  8. Antivirus software
  9. Compression and extraction tools 
  10. Database 
  11. Groupware software 
  12. Search engines

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Create your own word clouds

Word cloud generators are online websites that allow you to use text to generate visually stunning word cloud compositions. Just try it!
Go to:

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Computer Basics

1.- Create your email account a
2.- Once you have a working e-mail account learn how to change your profile picture in gmail.
3.- Go to google and type in "google themes" the serch will take you to the google store were you will be able to chose a theme for your google. Choose a theme and apply it to your profile.
4.- locate your google apps (upper right corner icon) and arrange them in a way that it works for you. some apps to have accesible are: Google docs, blogger, gmail, calendar.

5.- Open the app called "Docs" it is very similiar to Microsoft word. Learn how to use it, explore the menu and other options.

6.- Create a document in docs titled "Basic parts of a computer"
7.- Find an image that lists and shows the basic parts of a computer and include it in your document.

8.- Answer the following question:
What is a computer?

9.- Find information on the following computer parts:
computer case
power cord